Thursday, April 26, 2012

ESPN Radio

As a female, I have got to be in the minority when it comes to ESPN Radio's audience.  BUT SERIOUSLY, STOP WITH ALL THE TESTOSTERONE COMMERCIALS!!
Forget Dr. Pepper 10, ESPN Radio is not for women!
 We, my husband and I, have been carpooling for the past school semester (3 months) and in the morning, for most of the 3 months we've been driving together, we were listening to AM 1350 because they had Dan Patrick on.  Suddenly, last week, the AM 1350 station switched to a country station, so no more Dan Patrick! Sad Face!
I love me some DP show!
We have XM radio in the Subaru but not in my Kia Rio.  We can still catch the Dan Patrick show on Fox Sports radio on XM, but when we drive my car, which is most of the time, we can't.  Even though my husband has XM on his smartphone, it doesn't have the Fox Sports radio station.  So instead we've been catching Colin Cowherd in the morning.  I have no gripe with his show.  He's got interesting things to say about sports of all types.  I'm okay with his commercial that I've heard about 5 times in 2 days of listening... The one thing I can not STAND is all the testosterone supplements commercials.
I know, I'm not the target demographic, but damn it I get enough of this bull at home on the tv... What with all the "Low T", cialis and viagra commercials... I really don't need to hear it on the road either.
The best photo I could find of Cowherd.
"Men as you get older do you notice you have trouble getting up in the morning? How about getting it up at all?"  Yes ESPN Radio, as a woman I'm totally having trouble getting it up, seeing as how my "erectile tissue" is small and low in testosterone...
Honestly, I should just accept that they probably won't do anything about it... I'm just one female listener.. what do they care?  But really I'm just annoyed that it's on at 8am anyway... I mean they ban those type of commercials on tv; they are only on from 9pm to 4am, I think.  Most of the people listening are older males, but not all the people listening fit that bill.

PLUS Fox Radio, or at the very least Dan Patrick, actually advertises sports related things like Buffalo Wild Wings.  I've yet to hear a sports related ad on ESPN Radio...
The wings... Oh god, the wings...

Thursday, April 19, 2012

H.P. Lovecraft's At The Mountains of Madness

The Tonnina here to review H.P. Lovecraft’s At the Mountains of Madness
The man himself, H.P. Lovecraft
I’ve never read any of Lovecraft’s works, but I’m very familiar with C’thulhu and Yog-sothoth.  I needed to read this tale of terror for my Literature class.  Well, technically I just needed to read a short story and I knew that we had a little book with some of Lovecraft’s short stories.  This was the first story in my little book.  The other stories, which I hope to read eventually too, are The Shunned House, The Dreams in the Witch-House, and the one I REALLY want to read: The Statement of Randolph Carter.  You will probably hear about these tales of terror from me eventually as well.

The cover of the book I have.
So At the Mountains of Madness is a very interesting story.  It’s not really that scary in the sense that you aren’t bombarded with zombies or bloody things.  But it is scary because this place, these mountains, could exist.  
The story is told by a geologist named William Dyer, he’s part of an expedition to Antarctica where they will be exploring more of this continent for prehistoric evidence about how the earth was way back when.  He heads out with many other professors from the Miskatonic University to discover what they can from the barren icy wastes that is Antarctica.
Basically what happens is the team of professors split up.  One group, lead by Professor Lake, ends up finding some strange green soap stones that are not in “normal” shapes.  They are in the shape of a five pointed star, but the tips are broken off.  The expedition turns odd when they find a cavern under the ice filled with… well… Things.  The scientists pull the Things up and try to dissect them and investigate them.  A crazy wind storm happens and Dryer must find what happened to the other team.  When he tells the reader what happened, he basically repeats what he told the men at his camp.  After that he goes into grotesque detail about what they really found at Lake’s camp. From there, the tale gets really “Lovecraftian”.

This does have something to do with the story...
I’m not going to spoil the story for those of you who haven’t read it.  I will say though, there are freaking blind albino penguins in this story.  They are my favorite thing in the book, as weird as that is...  It’s an amazing novella and keep in mind that it’s not gory.  I’m not even a fan of horror, I have an over-active imagination, but this tale didn’t bother me.  I love it.  It’s just scary enough to keep the reader engaged.
One thing I suggest.  DON’T look up photos of the “creatures” in this story until AFTER you’ve read Lake’s description in the book.  Try and imagine what the “creatures” look like before you see the photos that show up on a Yahoo! Images search.  I pictured them a little differently than what I saw online, but they were really REALLY close, which just goes to show how amazing Lovecraft’s writing is.  You can use his words to paint a picture of what you are reading.  I like that a lot about his words. 
I look forward to reading more of Lovecraft’s works, since this was my first introduction to him.  This story is apparently his longest work too.  It’s nice to start with the longest one (only 110 pages in my tiny book) and then go on towards the shorter works.

So check out At the Mountains of Madness sometime. Let me know if you have read it, and what you think of the story!  See you next review!!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012


Hello! The Tonnina here!!
Let me introduce you to my new reviewing blog.  I'm going to be reviewing all sorts of things from video games to movies, from food to drinks, from vacations spots to cars... Pretty much anything that has tickled my fancy, or not, and I deem it worth of a review will get reviewed!
There's no real method to my madness about this.  I'm just going to write about something I liked or didn't like and why I felt the way I did about it!  I hope you all enjoy some feminine thoughts on things here at Geek Juice.